The Morgan Climbing Peg Boards have long been a staple training device in gymnastic and functional training settings due to the unbelievable upper body strength required to dominant them. Athletes with tremendously strong relative body strength can challenge the Peg Board, as one is required to virtually do back to back one-armed chin-ups to rule the vertical wall.
Key Features
The Morgan Peg Board can be mounted horizontally to the ground to create a bouldering wall which can lessen the level of difficulty. Several Pegboards can be mounted together in varying patterns to create a ninja-like obstacle course that will challenge even the toughest gorilla!
- 250cm height x 30cm width x 4cm thick plywood
- 2 x dowel rods with chamfered edges (16 long x 3cm diameter)
- 35 placement holes
- 6 additional fixing holes for Dyna bolts (supplied)
- Can be mounted vertically, horizontally or obliquely